Got some extra time on your freshly washed hands?

The CVOID-19 virus is everywhere, or at least discussions of it are everywhere.  Here are a few things I KNOW about the situation.

I cannot cure someone with COVID-19, nor can I make up for the loss of work or a cancelled event.  What I CAN do… is listen.

If you have found yourself with some unintended downtime, don’t waste it – embrace it!  

The link below will allow you to sign up for a FREE 30 minute call… we can chat about leadership, roller coasters, hand washing techniques or anything NOT related to COVID-19! It’s truly up to you!

And the best part is, we’re following proper “social distancing” protocols!

Here’s the link:

This break in the normal action could also be a great opportunity for some development for your team that you usually don’t have time for. Let me know if you would like to chat about setting up a virtual (online) development session for your team.

Either way, stay safe and stay positive!!

Thanks for reading!


Another great way to pass the time (and maybe learn something along the way)!  Check out one of our 132 episodes!

Slow or fast to hire? Fast or slow to fire?

If you are someone who hires people at your facility, you may have heard the following, diametrically opposed philosophies:

Slow to hire, quick to fire – OR – Quick to hire, slow to fire.

If you do a search for either phrase, you will find just as much competing evidence for which one is best and which one is nonsense.  It can be quite confusing.

For those who have hired the wrong person (and who among us hasn’t?), slow to hire – meaning taking your time to REALLY evaluate the candidate for strategic and cultural fit – makes the most sense.  The rational is that a little extra time upfront can save you headaches down the road. In fact, so many of us have made bad hiring decisions that a new industry was created, providing a bevy of tools and resources to evaluate talent – even calculators to tell you how much a bad hire will cost you.  Makes anyone afraid to utter those words, “you’re hired”.

On the other hand, quick to hire gets people in the door but gives them a chance to find their way and fit in.  And lets be honest, it feels like sometimes with our depleted applicant pool, we’ll hire anyone interested and sort ’em out later.

Sometimes, though, they don’t ever fit into your culture, or they create a negative subculture that undermines everything you do. Or, you are so desperate to keep people so you can open the funnel cake stand that you bend rules and lower your standards just to keep them “happy”. (Spoiler alert – that doesn’t work.)  I would argue that this is a function of a weak and unstructured culture, not a bad hiring practice, but we’ll explore that a little more in a minute.

The problem with both of these philosophies or tactics is that they oversimplify the applicant/employee experience.  And this ain’t a simple proposition.

I shared this graphic in my book ALL CLEAR! A Practical Guide for First Time Leaders and The People Who Support Them:

In essence, it shows my findings regarding what truly impacts employee performance and behavior, and the relative importance of the various processes.  It comes largely from discussions I’ve had over the years with operational managers who complain about the “quality of employee” and insist that hiring and training processes be improved.  What they don’t consider is the time these employees have spent out in the field.  Do they really expect that spending a day or two in a training class is MORE influential on their behavior than the three months they have been working in their role?  I don’t think so.

But this revisits the concept of a weak or unstructured culture.  When managers are blaming HR for bad employee performance, or you are lowering your standards just to keep people around, or you justify poor performance in one area because an employee is really good at something else, your hiring practices are likely not in question. Your culture is.

What if, and I’m just spit-ballin’ here, what if there was such a strong sense of what to do and what not to do among their managers and co-workers that a new hire never had to question the standard or what they could get away with?  You’re supposed to wear white shoes? EVERYONE is wearing white shoes ALL THE TIME! You’re supposed to not use your cell phone at work? No one EVER reaches for their phone “just to check the time”. And why is this? Not solely because the “right” people were hired or that HR said “don’t use your cell phone” during orientation… it’s because those standards were enforced on a regular basis and managers took the opportunity to coach and develop their employees.

So, getting back to hire or fire slow or fast? What about this…

  • Hire smart – don’t regulate to a timeframe, but use your company standards to evaluate cultural fit and make the best decision you can in the moment. Yes, sometimes you have to go with your gut.
  • Coach often – Don’t let them get away with negative or substandard performance, but also don’t let outstanding effort or performance go unnoticed.  Make it a priority (which means building the skill and taking the time) to communicate to your employees how they are doing, what impact they are making and what strides that can take to improve.
  • Fire when people demonstrate they can’t or are unwilling to meet your standards – Give them a chance, coach them to higher performance, but don’t keep people around who regularly demonstrate an inability or unwillingness to meet your standards. They may be a good person, but if they aren’t upholding your standards, they aren’t doing you any favors.

That doesn’t sound as pithy or hip, but it’s what WORKS!

Thanks for reading!

Speaking of ALL CLEAR – check out what some people (who didn’t write the book) have to say about it! 

“I just finished your book “All Clear!” WOW!!! What a great tool! It is so timely and practical. I am going to have my leadership team read it and use it to help us grow our team. I have been stressing to our leaders the importance of relationship building and how that is really the first step in growing the team. Your book is going to be a great reinforcement. I really think this is a must read for anyone in the service industry but absolutely if you are in the entertainment industry.”

Chris Camp – Owner Fun Fore All

“All Clear is a fantastic read for leaders with zero to fifty years of experience! After eight years in management at my current company, this book was a refreshing reminder of what it was like stepping into a leadership role for the first time. It also gave me new ideas and motivation to equip both my leadership and frontline staff with all the tools they need to succeed. This book is easy to stay engaged with and inspired me to completely reevaluate an approach to one of my current projects. My team will be grateful for this project’s otherwise uninteresting results thanks to All Clear! I highly recommend this book to any leader and even those who are looking to evolve into a leader in the future.”

Steven Camacho – Canobie Lake Park




This story just keeps getting better

Stop me if you heard this before… Sara was trying to figure out if she should hire a sales manager or not.  If you missed that story, click here for the details.

If you heard that story, you know that Sara, with the help of her Mastermind group, ultimately decided to hire a sales manager rather than try to spoon those duties onto her already-full plate.

While that story was really about having a trusted group of peer advisors, that wasn’t the end of the tale.

After I published that post, Sara emailed me to tell me that the person they hired is really working out well… he’s full of energy, has tons of creative ideas and fits the team and culture beautifully.

Then she dropped the hammer.  In addition to all that, attendance is up 34%.

Um.  Okay.  Wow.  How’s THAT for return on investment?

Of course there are many factors that could impact this bump in attendance. The park did debut a new attraction, so that has to be figured in.  Even with that, Sara is pretty confident that their sales guy has had a significant role in their success.

And maybe even more importantly, he has taken a huge burden off of Sara’s shoulders.  She is now free to deal with the 9,073 other things on her list.  That story of the ROI is a little less straightforward, but there is no denying his impact beyond the sales department.

What decisions are you wrestling with?  What would it mean to you to have a group of people in your corner whose sole purpose was to help you succeed?  If you would like to learn more about the Mastermind process and how it helped Sara, give me call (407-435-8084), send me an email or click here for more details.

Thanks for reading!

Do you NOT play well with others??  Maybe individual coaching is more your speed.

  • Personalized program
  • Transform your leadership
  • Uncover unknown potential


Right message, wrong people

How many of you saw the video with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake making fun of the rampant use of hashtags? If you didn’t, it’s hilarious – here it is.

At the time of this posting, this video had been viewed 17,572,521 times (I’m at least 3 of those) and it has 6,731 comments.

The message is pretty clear, and A LOT of people have seen it. Hashtags are overused. Stop it.

Yet people are still using hashtags at an alarming (and comical) rate! Some of you might be wondering what a hashtag is and what the big deal is?

A hashtag (#) has been used (primarily) on Twitter to group tweets together to make it easier to follow a conversation. For example, if we were talking about roller coasters, I might put #rollercoasters at the end of my tweet. You could search for that and all things “tagged” that way would appear.

The trend of hashtagging, however, has turned into a way to convey a thought very quickly without much context. And, it’s now being used everywhere, not just on Twitter. Here is an example.

“Work was horrible today! #wanttogobacktobed #whycantifindabetterjob #iwanticecream”

I thought the Fallon/Timberlake video was a funny but poignant call for an end to all this hashtag foolishness. Yet it still persists.

This reminds me of leaders who identify an issue with one or two employees and set out to fix it by gathering their staff for a meeting and addressing it with everyone.

“This way, everyone is aware and is on the same page”, is the rationale.

Really? Let’s take a look at how this plays out… #forreals.

  • The people who had the issue may not realize you are talking about them. They may assume you are talking about someone else… Wrong message gets to the right person.
  • The people that have no stake in this issue wonder why you are talking to them about this, since they know it’s not their issue. Once they realize it’s not about them, they tune out. Wrong message, wrong people.
  • For those with a guilty conscience or a small inkling that it could be them, ultimately figure it’s not since you haven’t addressed them privately. If it is them, they’ll just wait for you to bring it up again before they worry about it. Wrong message, wrong people.

None of these scenarios accomplish getting the right message to the right people. The best way to do that is to address these issues individually. If someone is overusing hashtags, for example, talking to that person about their specific issue is the only way to ensure that that individual gets the message. This gives them the chance to ask questions and to clarify what you mean. Even your best efforts to “open a meeting to questions and concerns” will fall short of achieving the kind of clarity a one-on-one meeting can produce.

Next time you have the impulse to address everyone, STOP. Is this REALLY an issue that involves everyone?  If not, address it with the individual, unless you want the behavior or issue to continue. 17.5 million people have seen this message about hashtags, yet the trend continues.




Matt’s new book, The Myth of Employee Burnout has not been read by 17.5 million people… yet. #youshouldbuyacopy

New promo video

Howdy friends!

Wanted to share a new promo video I recently added to my website.  If you like it, feel free to “like” it, link it, share it, or tweet it!

If you don’t like it, at least is was only 1 minute and 48 seconds!

Big thanks to Charlie with the North American Farm Direct Marketers Association for providing the footage!

Thanks for watching!

