Happy New Year!

I know many of you have kicked 2020 to the curb, and I’m with you.

But amid the rubble that is 2020, there have been some bright spots. New opportunities, new partnerships, new ways of doing business. But that didn’t all come easy.

If you had any success in 2020, even if it was to NOT reveal your pajama bottoms on a Zoom call, it can be attributed to two things.

Your attitude and your actions.

But here’s the thing… we aren’t always self-aware enough to know when our attitudes or actions are actually holding us back.

No way! Not me!?! Yes, even you.

That’s why we need other voices in our lives.  The ones that say you’re doing great, or you missed the mark.

Last week for me, that voice belonged to EJ Randolph, who very eloquently pointed out that I had misspelled a word on a social media graphic that I had been using for months. Oddly enough, this graphic was for a “Share Your Win Wednesday” promo that we do in the ALL CLEAR Facebook Group

I quickly changed the graphic and thanked EJ. People like this need to be celebrated!

Who are the voices in your life that can point out when your attitude is on point or if you’ve missed the point?  Who are the people who can praise or correct an action when they see the need?

These are the folks who can truly help you calibrate your attitudes and actions for maximum positive impact.

So my challenge to you for 2021 is simple: embrace those who are giving you feedback, even if it stings to hear it a little bit, because ultimately they will help you become a better version of yourself than you ever thought possible.

And in 2021, we’re going to need you at the top of your game more than ever.

Be well, my friends.

407-435-8084, matt@performanceoptimist.com